Saturday, August 30, 2008

Prebirth Experiences on the Internet

Hi Friends,

Here are some sites I've come across or been told about where people are sharing and discussing prebirth experiences right now!

Okay, shameless self-promotion by posting this, but forgive me for being excited that someone's talking about this work. The more people who come to know about it, the more people learn who they really are, and more hearts are changed toward the unborn!

If any of you see discussions about prebirth experiences, I invite you to post them here, too! Thanks so much for visiting!



Tiff said...

Thank you so much for including me on your blog! I must have to say I am a huge fan of yours and I thank you so much for sharing these wonderful stories in your books; they have honestly helped me in ways I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you again I am truly honored.

Sarah Hinze said...


I am so touched by your kind remarks and that the book is meaningful to you and made a difference in your life. What an honor it has been to share these stories with others and have seen the results and the response. I appreciate so much that you are talking about these experiences.

I saw your pics - you have a beautiful family. Being a mother has been one of the greatest joys of my life and I'm sure it's the same for you. It's a wonderful journey.

Best to you and your family,