Thursday, November 4, 2010

Aron Ralston's prebirth experience

The last night of Aron Ralston's ordeal, he had a vision in which he saw himself playing with a blond little three year old boy he knew was his future son. He saw himself in this vision with only one hand. He said in his book, Between a Rock and a Hard Place that it was this vision of his son that gave him the strength to survive.

In December 2009, Aron Ralston shared his excitement and anticipation of the birth of his son, and finally getting to meet the boy who saved his life. His wife's due date was just weeks away when this interview was taped.It's a few minutes into the video, so please be patient. :-)


Anonymous said...

Amazing and it is another testament of our premortal life. Is he LDS?

Sarah Hinze said...

No he is not, but these type of PBE's are happening to people of various backgrounds. Our new book Waiting in the Wings, written with my dear friend Kathy Fowkes, will be out soon. Watch for details on this blog and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video. It's at mark 4:30 where Aron speaks of the PBE